2013-04-22 04:09:27 UTC
When installing VB6, I was able to install it successfully on my Windows 8 machine by (very oddly), copying the whole disc to the "%TEMP%" directory, and then executing setup.exe in XP SP3 compatibility mode. The installation didn't finish, but completed enough that VB6 worked just fine, and installed to "%programfiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\VB98\VB6.EXE"
During installation of vstudio 6 on a win98 computer I received the
The installation wizard has encountered a critical error during
Error accessing inifile : f:\setupwiz.ini
I received this message after the startup from my computer.
Can somebody help me
During installation of vstudio 6 on a win98 computer I received the
The installation wizard has encountered a critical error during
Error accessing inifile : f:\setupwiz.ini
I received this message after the startup from my computer.
Can somebody help me