Setup VS Ultimate Beta 2 Fails
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Setup VS Ultimate Beta 2 Fails
2009-10-21 21:15:01 UTC
I have installed fresh new Win7 virtual image.
After starting of setup it fails while installign of .NET 4.0
Here is the full error log:

[10/21/09,13:51:59] Setup.exe: Command line:
/LAUNCHER="C:\Users\xzxzxz\AppData\Local\Temp\" /HWND="590094" /NoExclude
[10/21/09,13:51:59] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property:
{481CEF9F-033A-11D3-ACE2-00C04F8EEBA1} - PropertyName: Disable Error Logging
- Value: 0
[10/21/09,13:51:59] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::LoadSetupLog() completed
[10/21/09,13:51:59] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunIntro() : LoadManagers
[10/21/09,13:51:59] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress()
[10/21/09,13:51:59] Setup.exe: inside ISetupManager::LoadUIManager()
[10/21/09,13:51:59] vs70uimgr: Entering InitializeModule() method.
[10/21/09,13:51:59] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[10/21/09,13:51:59] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::CopyTempFiles() - Installing
setup files...
[10/21/09,13:51:59] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::InstallSetupFiles() starting
Rerunning Setup...
[10/21/09,13:52:03] Setup.exe: UnloadSuiteComponents()
[10/21/09,13:52:03] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property:
{383F0141-C682-4665-A69B-756E719C968D} - PropertyName: Process Return Code -
[10/21/09,13:52:03] Setup.exe: SETUP EXIT CODE - 0
[10/21/09,13:52:04] Setup.exe:
[10/21/09,13:52:04] Setup.exe: ========== Logging started ==========
[10/21/09,13:52:04] Setup.exe: =====================================
[10/21/09,13:52:04] Setup.exe: Command line:
/LAUNCHER="C:\Users\xzxzxzx\AppData\Local\Temp\" /HWND="590094" /NoExclude
/CreatedTemp /NoExclude /InstalledFrom
[10/21/09,13:52:04] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property:
{481CEF9F-033A-11D3-ACE2-00C04F8EEBA1} - PropertyName: Disable Error Logging
- Value: 0

. . .

[10/21/09,13:52:15] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate Beta 2 - ENU:
Begining CSubComponent creation for: Windows SDK .Net 4.0 Tools
[10/21/09,13:52:16] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate Beta 2 - ENU:
Begining CSubComponent creation for: Windows SDK .Net 3.5 Tools
[10/21/09,13:52:16] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate Beta 2 - ENU:
Begining CSubComponent creation for: WinSDK Common Registry [eCurrentState =

. . .
[10/21/09,13:52:18] Microsoft Web Deployment Tool (x86): Return type:
[10/21/09,13:52:18] Microsoft Web Deployment Tool (x86): NetRtReturnCheck
[10/21/09,13:52:18] Microsoft Web Deployment Tool (x64): Return type:
[10/21/09,13:52:18] Microsoft Web Deployment Tool (x64): NetRtReturnCheck
[10/21/09,13:52:18] Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2 - Visual Studio 2010 Tools:
Return type:

. . .

1/09,13:52:20] VS Scenario: Pending Reboot Table state : Logging start
[10/21/09,13:52:20] VS Scenario: _________________________________________
[10/21/09,13:52:20] PFR: PRE_INSTALL, DELETE, , ,
C:\Users\xzy\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\PowerISO\,
( ---- ), (--:--:--)
. . .

[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Beta 2: ***ERRORLOG EVENT***
: CGenericComponent::Install()
expects the setup file for Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Beta 2, but the file
failed verification.


[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property:
{BBE1827C-F2FD-4FDA-A6D6-C83B62FFFDCA} - PropertyName: compfailed - Value: 0
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Beta 2:
CBaseComponent::LaunchWatson() - Obtained CSetupWatson instance
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Beta 2:
ISetupManager::GetGlobalCustomProperty() failed to find global prop in
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Beta 2:
ISetupManager::GetGlobalCustomProperty() failed to find global prop in
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Beta 2:
CBaseComponent::LaunchWatson() - Creating a PreReq Watson report with
manifest: C:\Users\xzy\AppData\Local\Temp\MANBCEA.tmp
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Beta 2:
CBaseComponent::LaunchWatson() - Using manifest:
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Beta 2:
ISetupManager::GetGlobalCustomProperty() failed to find global prop in
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Beta 2:
CBaseComponent::LaunchWatson() - Setting the property
CustomCoreProp_WatsonManifestReady to use the GenComp Manifest.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Beta 2:
CBaseComponent::LaunchWatson() - Completed
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[10/21/09,14:02:13] setup.exe: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** :
ISetupComponent::Pre/Post/Install() failed in
ISetupManager::InternalInstallManager() with HRESULT -2147467259.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::AutomaticUpdatePause() Pausing
Automatic Updates...
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::AutomaticUpdatePause()
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::AutomaticUpdateResume()
Resuming Automatic Updates...
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::AutomaticUpdateResume()
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property:
{7F82DEDD-12EB-439F-B7A3-8B4264E0C20D} - PropertyName: EnableRollback -
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property:
{BD495746-4FBA-49F3-8EEB-D8B20EE75235} - PropertyName: Disable Rollback -
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunInstallFromList(IP_INSTALL)
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: last session tickcount: 0
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: current total tickcount: 192727
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: reboot count: 0
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: (reboot for next time): 1
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property:
{092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup -
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: ERROR (non critical): Suite Main
Directory:c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Microsoft Visual
Studio 2010 Ultimate Beta 2 - ENU does not exists. Log files will not be
copied in the suite directory!
[10/21/09,14:02:13] vs70uimgr: Entering DisplayFinal() method.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property:
{9EEA4DFB-733A-4349-B43E-F564351AC503} - PropertyName: Passive Mode - Value:
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property:
{C30D2581-4604-47C2-BC48-412BDDA3AF16} - PropertyName: No Restart - Value:
[10/21/09,14:02:13] vs70uimgr: Entering Next() method.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: Entered CPageHeaderDynamic::OnShowWindow method
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: Calculating finish page text...
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: Main product MSI is installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: Main product MSI is not installed so a setup
failure occurred.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: Generating finish page component list.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: GenerateHtml() called in INSTALL mode.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: GetComponents()
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: get_Components()
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property:
{BBE1827C-F2FD-4FDA-A6D6-C83B62FFFDCA} - PropertyName: compfailed - Value: 1
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft Application Error
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: : Skip : A higher version of Visual Studio
is already installed
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: : Skip : IA64 blocker
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: : Skip : Windows XP Service Pack 2 Update
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: : Skip : Windows 2003 Server Service Pack
2 Update Information
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: : Skip : Windows Installer 3.1 or higher
is required.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: Return for VC 9.0 Runtime (x86) indicates a
successful installation. DepCheck indicates the component is installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: Return for VC 10.0 Runtime (x86) indicates a
successful installation. DepCheck indicates the component is installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: : Skip : VC 10.0 Runtime (x64)
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft .NET Framework 4
Beta 2 is not installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates
Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Beta 2 is not installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5
(x86) - Windows XP
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5
Update (x86) - Windows XP
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5
(x86) - Windows 2003
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5
Update (x86) - Windows 2003
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5
Update (x64)
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5
(x86) - Vista
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5
(x64) - Vista
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
64bit Prerequisites (x64)
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft Visual F# 1.0
Runtime was not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates
Microsoft Visual F# 1.0 Runtime was not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft Visual Studio
Macro Tools was not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates
Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools was not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates TFS Object Model (x86) was
not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates TFS
Object Model (x86) was not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: : Skip : TFS Object Model (x64)
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates .NET Framework 4
Multi-Targeting Pack was not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates .NET
Framework 4 Multi-Targeting Pack was not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: : ROOT : Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
Ultimate Beta 2 - ENU
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft Visual Studio
2010 Ultimate Beta 2 - ENU was not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate Beta 2 - ENU was not attempted to be
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft Web Deployment
Tool (x86) was not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates
Microsoft Web Deployment Tool (x86) was not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft Web Deployment Tool (x64)
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2 -
Visual Studio 2010 Tools was not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates
Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2 - Visual Studio 2010 Tools was not attempted to be
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2 was
not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates
Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2 was not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft Silverlight was
not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates
Microsoft Silverlight was not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK
was not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates
Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK was not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Visual Studio 2010 Tools
for Office Runtime Beta 2 (x86) was not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates
Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime Beta 2 (x86) was not attempted to
be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: : Skip : Visual Studio 2010 Tools for
Office Runtime Beta 2 (x64)
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft Office
Development Tools for Visual Studio 2010 (x86) was not attempted to be
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates
Microsoft Office Development Tools for Visual Studio 2010 (x86) was not
attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft Office Development
Tools for Visual Studio 2010 (x64)
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Dotfuscator Software
Services - Community Edition was not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates
Dotfuscator Software Services - Community Edition was not attempted to be
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Crystal Reports templates
for Visual Studio 2010 was not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates
Crystal Reports templates for Visual Studio 2010 was not attempted to be
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Server
Compact 3.5 SP2 Beta ENU was not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates
Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 Beta ENU was not attempted to be
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2
Tools for SQL Server Compact ENU was not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates
Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 Tools for SQL Server Compact ENU was not attempted
to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft Sync Framework
Runtime v1.0 (x86) ENU was not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates
Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 (x86) ENU was not attempted to be
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime
v1.0 (x64) ENU
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft Sync Services for
ADO.NET v2.0 (x86) ENU was not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates
Microsoft Sync Services for ADO.NET v2.0 (x86) ENU was not attempted to be
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft Sync Services for
ADO.NET v2.0 (x64) ENU
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft Sync Framework
Services v1.0 (x86) ENU was not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates
Microsoft Sync Framework Services v1.0 (x86) ENU was not attempted to be
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft Sync Framework Services
v1.0 (x64) ENU
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft Sync Framework
SDK v1.0 (x86) ENU was not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates
Microsoft Sync Framework SDK v1.0 (x86) ENU was not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft Sync Framework SDK v1.0
(x64) ENU
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: : Skip : VC 10.0 Designtime (x64)
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft Visual Studio
2010 Performance Collection Tools (x86) was not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x86) was not
attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
Performance Collection Tools (x64)
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
Trace Debugger Tools (x64)
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Publishing
Wizard 1.4 was not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates
Microsoft SQL Publishing Wizard 1.4 was not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates SQL Server System CLR Types
was not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates SQL
Server System CLR Types was not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates SQL Server 2008 R2
Management Objects was not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates SQL
Server 2008 R2 Management Objects was not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: : Skip : SQL Prerequisite Validation
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Server 2008
Express Service Pack 1 (x86) was not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Service Pack 1 (x86) was not attempted to
be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express
Service Pack 1 (x64)
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express
Service Pack 1 (x86) Upgrade
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express
Service Pack 1 (x64) Upgrade
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Data-tier Application
Component Framework was not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates
Data-tier Application Component Framework was not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Data-tier Application
Component Project System was not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates
Data-tier Application Component Project System was not attempted to be
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Transact-SQL Language
Service was not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates
Transact-SQL Language Service was not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft SharePoint Development
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft Visual Studio
2010 ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools was not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools was not attempted
to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft Help 3.0 Beta 2
was not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates
Microsoft Help 3.0 Beta 2 was not attempted to be installed.
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property:
{D530994B-CA3E-4CF3-AC2F-485962898182} - PropertyName: Watson Manifest Ready
- Value: C:\Users\xzy\AppData\Local\Temp\MANBCEA.tmp
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: CFinishPage::LaunchWatson() - Launching Watson
with manifest: C:\Users\xzy\AppData\Local\Temp\MANBCEA.tmp
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property:
{0DA26FFA-E386-4638-B01C-F9E71776E985} - PropertyName: InstallFailed - Value:
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property:
{68788E55-88A1-43BA-AFE9-3C7315DF4A36} - PropertyName: ErrorLogged - Value: 1
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: Locating Help Library Manager...
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: Unable to find HelpLibraryManager.exe
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: CFinishPage::UpdateFinal(): Could not find the
Help Library Manager installed as expected!
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property:
{CCA4E4A8-A78B-4088-AF1E-7BE468F9B996} - PropertyName: InstalledFrom - Value:
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property:
{075AE8D8-F0C1-42B1-AECE-764E2A428F40} - PropertyName: CPU Type - Value: x86
[10/21/09,14:02:13] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property:
{BBE1827C-F2FD-4FDA-A6D6-C83B62FFFDCA} - PropertyName: compfailed - Value: 1
[10/21/09,14:02:14] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::DisplayFinal(): Reseting Main Thread
[10/21/09,14:02:14] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::DisplayFinal(): Finished reseting
Main Thread Events
2009-10-24 21:33:01 UTC
same problem
2009-11-15 03:56:02 UTC
same problem for me too.
Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools:
ISetupManager::GetGlobalCustomProperty() failed to find global prop in

running Windows 7 Ultimate x64
Post by @discussions.microsoft.com>
same problem
2010-01-04 19:36:02 UTC
Post by Setup VS Ultimate Beta 2 Fails
[10/21/09,14:02:13] VS70pgui: Unable to find HelpLibraryManager.exe